6 Brutal Truths About Superintelligence No One Wants to Admit

There are already many debates surrounding Advanced General Intelligence (AGI) or superintelligences, which are both very interesting and valid. I do not wish to advocate for or against the creation of a superintelligence because I believe, like most of us, I am not in a position to make such decisions. My goal is to be as realistic as possible by exploring various scenarios based on scientific, historical, and somewhat anthropological grounds. Indeed, I aim to take a constructive approach, and even though narrating a subject as complex as superintelligence is a risky endeavor, it remains the best way to understand it. 

Einstein said, “ The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science.” Is this the reflection of someone who values the known aspect of science or the unknown? Science is made up of rich knowledge, but it retains a predominant dimension of mystery. Thus, even though some scientific laws are well-known, their deep understanding is rare, and we must constantly question them to better grasp their subtleties and intrinsic mechanisms. These constant inquiries allow us to question ourselves and better adapt to our environment. The great scientists throughout human history have spent a lifetime of reflection and doubt in a particular field to extract just a few significant rules or laws, which in itself is an extraordinary intellectual feat.

Moreover, how many scientists have faced the mockery of their contemporaries and struggled to have their studies recognized as valid? And even when they succeeded in unraveling some mysteries, even vaster and more complex questions emerged.

The full article was published in Towards AI, you can read it here: 


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